Tibofix Bookmarklet

Draw Hints with Arrows and Rectangles on Web Pages

This bookmarklet could be called a bugmarklet or a hintmarklet as it was made to mark bugs and write hints on web pages before taking a screenshot.

How does it look? The following image shows tibofix in dark colors:

text layer, arrow and square example

What you can do with tibofix

Good to know

I am sure you will find tibofix easy to use. Just hover over the links to see what they do. – Have fun and let me know if you like it and how you use tibofix.

What tibofix can’t do

Note: Tibofix works in most modern browsers but it is not tested in all browsers. If you run into problems, please send me a bug report.

Save the Bookmarklet

how to save the bookmarklet

Drag the following link to the bookmarks bar of your browser: tibofix
– or click the link to try it first.

About the Tibofix Bookmarklet

To be serious, tibofix is an artificial word created by the project name generator of jsbin.com, where the first version of this little tool was developped. The author liked it and got stuck with it. In the meantime he came up with this far-fetched explanation:

this is both an arrow and a square drawing fix for websites.

How it works: the magic of tibofix

An early alpha version can be found and analyzed on jsbin.

Tibofix Roadmap

I have some ideas for improvements but time is precious. Be patient or send money ;–)


There’s a lot of great stuff on the web. But these were the most valuable resources for my project:

I would like to thank everyone who contributed to my project and to my knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I do not list you here, there are too many of you. Please go on teaching, publishing and linking – thank you very much!